Opening video
Conference talks
In this session I will be talking about my series Angular for the Visual Learner and my journey along the way. My ng-friends and I will be teaching Angular in a visual way! This adventure has taken me so far already and I can’t wait to share it with you.
Structural directives are a really exciting feature in Angular. An asterisk followed by a directive name denotes a structural directive. In this talk we will look at the the various parts of structural directives, the <ng-template> tag provided by Angular that lets us define embedded views, the DSL or microsyntax of the binding expression of a structural directive. How to instantiate embedded views using ViewContainerRef API and using the NgTemplateOutlet directive. How to pass context to the templates.
In talking about structural directives we will look at the some of the abstractions provided by Angular: views, view queries and view containers, embedded templates, their code representation ViewRef, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, TemplateRef and see how view containers can be used to manipulate the structure of a view.
Coming from a monolith, most companies have already made the switch to or are planning to move to a microservices architecture. In terms of frontend development, we are often still developing small monoliths. This talk will focus on an opinionated view on how Angular can be leveraged to create and promote the use of small reusable pieces of (UI) logic on top of a microservice architecture using Nx from Nrwl!
The OWASP top 10 is one of the most influential security documents of all time. A couple of years ago, these 10 security issues impacted almost every web application. However, today, the web application landscape has vastly changed, and so has security.
In this talk, we explore the relationship between the OWASP top 10 and Angular applications. We will see how some issues are barely relevant in an Angular world. We will discover that Angular addresses some issues out of the box. Moreover, we will learn which issues require the most attention in an Angular application.
Let's take Angular forms to the extreme by building a dynamic nested model-driven form with custom controls and validations.
In this talk we'll explore how to build truly decentralized applications powered by Smart Contracts and IPFS, with Angular and the Embark development environment.
After movie
By Thoughtram. Understanding Universal and server-side rendering vs Single Page Apps. Get to know the pros and cons.
By Strongbrew. Learn how to use new best-practices in your project architecture, like for example monorepo-style development and webcomponents.
By Pragmatic Web Security. Learn how to use generic security concepts and more specific Angular concepts to make your application more secure.
By Manfred Steyer & Michael Hladky. Learn how to do state management using NGRX and build your own store. Apply your new skills on a real-world application.